Glossary of Swimming Pool Terms
Swimming Pool Chemical Glossary of Pool Terms
Swimming pool equipment general information including: MSDS, water chemistry, parts diagrams and directory of swimming pool manufacturers.
Chemicals |
Description | |
Acid |
A liquid or dry chemical, used to lower the pH of Swimming pool or spa water. See Muriatic Acid(Hydrochloric Acid) or sodium bisulfate. | |
Acid Demand | The amount of acid needed to bring the pH into the desired range of 7.2-7.6 | |
Algae | Small plants that propogate by air borne process. Upon entering a swimming pool they can turn water green, yellow or cause black or dark green stains. Best dfense is to maintain a free chlorine residual at all times. | |
Algaecide |
A natural or synthetic substance used for killing, destroying or controlling algae. | |
Algaestat | A chemical used to prevent algae growth. | |
Algae Spores | Dormant or resting algae in the atomosphere introduced into a swimming pool by wind, rain, showers, dust storms, etc. | |
Increaser |
A chemical used to stabilize the pH. Sodium Bicarbonate | |
Alum |
Aluminum Sulfate (Al2SO4), which is used to cause suspended solids in water to be coagulated and subsequently filtered or vacuumed out. | |
Backwash | Reversing the flow of water thru a filter with the purpose removing contaiminats. | |
Bacteria | Miscrsopic Organsism typically brought into the pool by living beings. | |
Balanced Water | Swimming Pool Wtaer that has a pH between 7.2-7.6 and contains proper levels of Alkalinity and Calcium and ideally has a Langellier Saturation index of +/- 0.3 | |
Base | A chemical when added to the water increases the pH | |
Base Demand | A liquid or dry chemical, used to increase the pH of Swimming pool or spa water. See Sodium Carbonate or Sodium Bicarbonate. | |
Bromine |
An alternate sanitizer to chlorine, the prinicipal santizer used in spas | |
Increaser |
A chemical used to increase the water hardness (calcium Hypochlorite) | |
Calcium Hypochlorite | Bleach, Typically 5-10% chlorine content | |
Cartridge Filter | A filter using a replaceable element, Eliminates Backwashing, conserves water. | |
Chloroamines | Chlorine combined with ammonia. Strong Irritants and odor of chlorine. | |
Chlorine | The principal sanitizer used in pools to kill bacteria and algae, comes in gaseous, liwuid, powder and tablet forms. | |
Chlorine Demand | The amount of chlorine needed to zero. The amount of chlorine required to overcome the debris in the swimming pool, which may include algae, leaves, pollen, grass, etc. | |
Cyanuric Acid | The active ingredient in chlorine stabilizer or stabilizer, Prevents UV rays from breaking down the pool chlorine. | |
Corrosion | A chemical process which causes metal detioration. Caused by low pH or unbalanced water. | |
Corrosion Resistance | A material that maintains its original appearance and is not affected by conditions typically within a swimming pool. | |
DE | Diatomaceous Earth, Animal Skeletons ftom the ocean used as a filtration medium | |
DPD | A chemical reagent used to test chlorine, Both Free and Total Chlorine | |
Disinfectant |
A chemical having ability to kill undesirable or pathogenic organism, having a measurable residual at a level adequate to achieve the desired kill. | |
Dry Acid | A powder chemical, Sodium Bisulfate, used to lower the pH or Alkalinity, | |
Effective Filtration Area | The total filtration area, which controls the flow rate of water thru the filter. | |
Feeder | A mechanical devices used to introduce chemicals into a pool. | |
Filter Aid | Typically Diatomaceous Earth,or similiar material such as Perlite, used to coat the grids or elements of a DE Filter | |
Flocculating Agent | A chemical, substance or compound that promotes the combination, agglomeration or coagulation of suspended particles in water. | |
Free Chlorine | The active chlorine in the pool after the chlorine demand is meet | |
GPM | Gallons per minute. Important that the pump and filter are matched to the proper GPM. | |
Hardness | The amount of Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Carbonates, sulfates, chlorides, silicates dissolved in water. When the Langellier Saturation Idex is greater than +0.3 scaling may occur | |
Hydrochloric Acid | Muriatic Acid(HCl). A very strong corrosive acid. Used in swimming pools to lower the pH of the water. | |
Hypobromous Acid | The most powerful disinfecting form of Bromine | |
Hypochlorus Acid | The active form of Chlorine (HOCl) | |
Hypochlorite | A family of chemical compounds (salts), found in various forms(liquid, powder, tablets) used a a chlorinating agent. Forms Available: Sodium Hypochlorite (liquid), Lithium Hypochlorite (powder) and Calcium Hypochlorite (powder or tablets). Non-Stabilzed chlorine | |
Iodine | A chemical element that is biocidal, used to disinfect pool and spa water. The spa disinfectant is in the form of liquid iodine. | |
Isocyanurates | A family of pool sanitizer products that are self stabilizing. Also called stabilized chlorine | |
Langelier Saturation Index | A formula developed by Dr. W.F. Langelier to determine the scale forming or scaling propeirs of water | |
Lithium Hypochlorite | LiOCl. A white solid inorganic chlorine. pH approximately 9. Available chlorine 35%. | |
Muriatic Acid | Used to Lower pH and or Total Alkalinity in pools or spas (Hydrochloric Acid) | |
OTO | Orthotolidine. An indicator reagent used to measure chlorine, Cannot readily distingquish free chlroine with combined chlorine, Not preferred method of testing. | |
Ozone | A gaseous molecule composed of three (3) atoms of oxygen that is generated on site and used for oxidation of water and contamination. | |
pH | How basic or acidic water is. Less than 7.00 is acidic, requires a base to increase the pH greater than 7.0 is basic, requires an acid to lower the pH. | |
Phenol Red | A dye used to measure the pH of water. | |
Potable Water | Any water, that is approved for drinking. Contains no bacteria or other harmful chemicals | |
Quats | Quaternary Ammonium Compounds: Organic compounds used as algaecide or germicides. | |
Sequestering Agent | Sometimes referred to as Chelating agents. These compounds are capable of combining with metals (copper, Iron, Etc.) to prevent staining of the pool surface | |
Sand Filter | Filter using Silica Sand as a medium. Requires Backawahing. | |
Service Factor | Motor Related Term used to express the overload built into a motor. | |
Shock Treatment | Introduction of 5-10 times the normal amount of chlorine into a pool, the purpose of which is to remove chloramines or kill algae. | |
Soda Ash | Sodium Carbonate: A white powder (chemical) to increase the pH of the water | |
Sodium Carbonate | See Soda Ash (Na2C03) | |
Sodium Bicarbonate | A white powder used to increase Alkalinity (Baking Soda, NaHC03)) | |
Sodium Bisulfate | A white powder used to lower pH (NaHS04) | |
Sodium Dichloro-isocyanurate | Dichlor (sodium dichlori-s-triazinetriaone), a granular product, containing approximately 62% chlorine. Fast Dissolving, non-clouding, oxidizer. Can be used for maintenance and shocking (pH 6.0) |
Sodium Hypochlorite | A clear liquid (bleach), typically 5-15% available chlorine. | |
Source Water | Water used to fill a pool or spa. Can be Potable or from wells. | |
Stabilizer | See Cyanuric Acid. | |
TDS | Total Dissovled solids, Everything ever added to the pool, can lead to problems with chlorination of the pool. A factor used in the Langelier Saturation index. | |
Total Alkalinity | A measure of the pools ability to resist changes in pH. High levels of cyanuric acid can contribute to the alkalnity, but may not help with stabilizing the pH | |
Weir | Part of the skimmer, that helps skim debris from the surface of the pool and prevents it from returning to the pool. |